Thursday, March 26, 2020

Episode 117 - COVID-19 Update w/ Bp. Steven Raica and Larry LaCross, Pt. 2

As the COVID-19 situation continues to develop, Fr. Scott Lawler sits down with Bp. Steven Raica and Larry LaCross to have another conversation about holding on to our faith (and our sanity) during this trying time.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Episode 116 - COVID-19 Update w/ Bp. Steven Raica and Larry LaCross, Pt. 1

Fr. Scott sits down with Bishop Steven Raica and Larry LaCross (of Catholic Human Services) to discuss the effects of COVID-19 in our Diocese, including why certain precautions are being taken in parishes and schools throughout the Diocese.

Episode 115 - 2020 Lenten Radio Retreat, Pt. 3 - Let's Become Great Saints ft. Keri Tarrant

Keri Tarrant of St. Gabriel's Message ( and formerly of the Marian Center in Joy Valley, delivers an excellent talk about  how we are all called to be saints giving examples from some of the great saints.