Friday, September 25, 2020

Episode 141 - Seven Sorrows, Pt. 2

Fr. Scott continues his reflection on the Seven Sorrows of Mary, and then we share a recording of the Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows (also called the Servite Rosary) recorded by Tiffany Walker and available on

Episode 140 - Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows, Pt. 1

 As September is the month of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Mother, Fr. Scott decided to record a program on the importance of this devotion.

Episode 139 - The Alaska Shepherd w/ Bp. Chad Zielinski, Pt. 2

 Fr. Scott continues his conversation with Alpena native, Bp. Chad Zielinski of Fairbanks, Alaska. The second part of our program includes a podcast recorded by Fr. John Riccardo of Acts XXIX

Episode 138 - The Alaskan Shepherd w/ Bp. Chad Zielinski Pt. 1

 Fr. Scott decided to take a little excursion to the Diocese of Fairbanks, Alaska, recently, and had a chance to sit down with Bp. Chad Zielinski.